Our Artists

Vivian Smith

Invisible Hands: The Unseen Labour of Women


Glass Walls
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A two-month artist residency at KOAC with Vivian Smith concluded with an artist talk August 10, 2024, titled Invisible Hands: The Unseen Labour of Women. Vivian Smith, a graduate of the Alberta University of the Arts, majored in drawing with a minor in ceramics. She describes herself as a visual artist who brings to light the under explored stories of women. From the challenges of navigating major life changes to the nuanced intricacies of juggling domestic roles while working outside the home, Vivian unveiled the underexplored histories of women.

Invisible Hands: The Unseen Labour of Women captured Vivian’s passion drawing from her own personal journey to spotlight the overlooked and undervalued labour of women in domestic spheres and how inequality in labour distribution at home can impact gender inequality in the workplace.

The extensive list of tasks and responsibilities associated with sustaining life, including domestic chores, mental load, care-giving, and emotional labour, is central to the fabric of societies worldwide. Historically, women have been at the forefront of this labour. This work is essential – without it, societies would unravel. With the advent and spread of patriarchal systems, women’s roles became marginalized, and their contributions sidelined. The importance of domestic labor was devalued, and women’s work began to be seen as ‘natural’ or ‘expected,’ making it easier for societies to take it for granted. Domestic labour often remains invisible, unpaid, and unrecognized in official histories and accounts and even in popular culture. The additional workload many women shoulder at home can contribute significantly to them exiting the workforce, as was highlighted during the early stages of COVID-19, impacting not only their individual economic independence, but also broader economic growth and gender equality. Beyond the visual stories that were presented in this exhibition lies deeper questions: Why does gender inequality persist? How are imbalances in the domestic sphere reflected in today’s workplace? What can be done to rebalance inequalities at home to achieve greater equity within our society?

Invisible Hands is both a continuation and evolution of Vivian’s commitment to illuminating the vast spectrum of women’s hidden stories. By intertwining selected, relevant materials and subjects, she aims to bring to the forefront the suppressed stories of women, emphasizing the depths and complexities of these experiences.

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Canada Council for the Arts
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Vivian Smith
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Vivian Smith


  • 2023 BFa with Distinction, Alberta University of the Arts
  • 2020 AUArts Exchange and Study Abroad Program, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
  • 2017 Graphic Design Certificate of Achievement, Alberta College of Art & Design
  • MSc in Engineering, University of Calgary, Ab
  • BSc in Engineering, University of Calgary, Ab


  • 2023 AUArts Summer Residency Scholarship
  • 2022 Alberta Society of Artists Scholarship
  • 2021 Persons Case Scholarship (Leaders in Equality Award of Distinction)
  • 2020 AUArts Scholarship for Research Project
  • 2020 Dr. J.C. Sproule Memorial Scholarship
  • 2020 Nominee AUArts Exchange and Study Abroad Program
  • 2018 Jason Lang Scholarship
  • 2018 ACAD Board of Governor’s First Year Scholarship

At the age of 47 years, I left behind a 25-year career as an engineer in the Calgary corporate world and embarked on a transformative path, pursuing a BFA in drawing and a minor in ceramics. My decision was fueled by a quest for greater fulfillment and a lifelong interest in the visual arts.

Since leaving engineering, I have actively engaged with the Calgary arts community through volunteering on two non-profit boards, completed a semester abroad in Australia, participated in several residencies, and joined the Clematis Collective, an assembly of artists who identify as women.

I have also been fortunate to have exhibited both as a solo artist and in group shows at multiple venues including Leighton Art Centre, artsPlace, and the Lebel Mansion.

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The Kiyooka Ohe Arts Centre is a place for art and artists, for the curious, for the novice and for the expert alike – everyone is welcome to visit, to make, to learn and to talk about contemporary art, whether by traversing our sculpture grounds and gardens, or visiting (when appropriate) with our artists in studio or via our digital forums and workshops.

Regular support from our friends enable us to sustain our work with artists, audiences and communities. Help us keep our grounds open as an escape into Art-in-Nature during this unprecedented time.

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The KO Arts Centre Society of Calgary is a registered charity. CRA Business Account # 83391 4955 RR001.

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