Botanical Art Mash
August 28, 2021 @ 1 – 3 pm
What happens when we mash up, cook up and play with botanicals? FUN ART!
Rocio Graham’s art residency revolves around the exploration and the discovery of native flowers and plants as a way to decolonize spaces and deepen her connection to this land . In particular, she is interested in using botany to create biodegradable sculptures, performance art and dyes . Her in-depth knowledge of the material possibilities of botanics makes this workshop a unique experience of bioart techniques for families wanting to have fun.
In this workshop artist Rocio Graham will make you play, get close and dirty with nature in ways you never imagined. Families will have the unique opportunity to walk through two native gardens and learn a variety of botanical art techniques that use nature as the source. From making botanical sculptures, using pressed flowers, learning about dyes and inks for textile art to collages, this workshop is designed to ignite your creativity using plants and flowers in multiple ways.
Rocio will offer in depth demonstrations of various techniques that she uses in her own practice and will offer a variety of projects from which families can choose to create a unique botanical piece of art.
KOAC’s location offers a unique opportunity to ethically forage and explore our landscape. Rocio will speak about the native and introduced flora that exists in Calgary and share her learnings during her residency.