Katie Ohe:
Zig Zag

OPENING RECEPTION June 15 2024 at 2pm

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Renowned Canadian sculptor Katie Ohe, and co-founder of Kiyooka Ohe Arts Centre picked up a design from a piece started years ago and perfected it for pride of place as the newest installation at KOAC! With a more open treatment of the original welded surfaces, a vision to add a new large-scale work to the monumental sculpture park was at the heart of this project.

We hope you can join us at KOAC on Saturday afternoon June 15, 2024, from 2:00pm to 3:30pm for Katie’s opening reception of the ZigZag. The event is free to attend. Keep an eye out on our website to register and for more event details.

RSVP to info@koartscentre.org

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