Sibéal Foyle (sh+bail) comes from a rich Gaelic tradition of oral history and storytelling; her work is infused with personal narratives from her large and multicultural family. The diverse stories of her relatives are interwoven with farreaching global situations: Northern Ireland’s ‘Troubles’, the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games, and even the Libyan Revolution. In 2012, she personally transported ten large paintings to exhibit in Benghazi, Libya. In honour of this show, the first international painting exhibition held since the revolution, Foyle presented a painting entitled March 20th to the Libyan government. Foyle’s love of painting provides endless possibilities for interpretation, composition, and colour. Currently on a painting hiatus, she is contemplating everyday miracles in the natural world through drawing. Collecting stonesseeds, and abandoned bird nests is perhaps a response to a sense of chaos in the larger world. In observing the minutia of what is often overlooked, Foyle is finding great joy and awe in detailing the lives of insects, birds, and plants.
Born and raised in Ireland, Foyle has lived in Vancouver since 1987. She holds a BFA from the University of Ulster in Belfast, and an MFA from the University of Calgary (1986); Harry Kiyooka was her MFA supervisor. Foyle has taught fine arts at Kwantlen Polytechnic University for over 20 years, specializing in painting and drawing.
Sibeal Foyle “Stone Circle with White Lines”
23″ x 30″ Pastel on paper
Silent Auction Lot #114
Fair Market Value $1500