Metal artist Ben McLeod works in a very intuitive way, allowing the direction of a work to be determined by the materials at hand and the energy emanating from them. Open to the unexpected, McLeod...
The Silent Auction Artists
Silent Auction will feature works by: [su_row][su_column size="1/3"] Raymond Arrnatt Shane Arsenault Derek Besant Rose Braun Monique Blom Karen Brown Sarabeth Carnat Dave Casey Linda Craddock...
Wil Murray “Vic and Blood 2”, 2014 SIlent Auction Lot #126
Wil Murray explores the idea of the journey as transformative, using painting, photography, and collage to investigate the effect of time and motion upon substance. Objects transmute beyond their...
Katie Ohe “Deluge” 2010, Silent Auction Lot#128
Katie Ohe, RCA, LLD is a Canadian sculptor of international renown, a beloved teacher, and known as one of the first artists to make abstract art in Alberta. Born in the hamlet of Peers in 1937, Ohe...
Ken Esler “Night Approaches Day”, 1990 Silent Auction Lot #110
John Kenneth Esler, RCA (1933–2001) “was considered one of Canada’s finest printmakers for many years” by Canadian Contemporary Printmakers (Bronx Museum of the Arts, 1982). Esler began his long...
Sandrine Demeure “Phantom” Silent Auction Lot #129
Sandrine Demeure is an award-winning Belgian ceramic artist who studied with Katie Ohe in Calgary in 1985. A friend of both Katie Ohe and Harry Kiyooka, Demeure has worked for three summers in Ohe’s...
Laura Pope “Chrome TeaPots” Silent Auction Lot #130
Describing her process, Laura Pope is succinct: “I walk, look and shoot. Working digitally provides a fast and responsive medium which allows me to deeply explore this intense visual experience.”...
Eric Louie “Cool Set II” Silent Auction Lot #122
Eric Louie creates works that simultaneously acknowledge and deny spatial illusion, yet respond to the natural order of things. Louie melds organic and geometric elements in multiple planes without...
Shane Arsenault “The Walking Man” Silent Auction Lot #102
Shane Arsenault has a deep respect for the origins of photography. His work spans multiple mediums and techniques in the field: he makes use of everything from the historic Wet Plate Collodion...
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